To invest in
high-quality Canadian research to better prevent and treat allergy, asthma and immunologic diseases

1. Compassion
2. Patient-oriented
3. Excellence
4.Capacity Building
5. Integrity
6. Equity, Diversity
and Inclusion

The Canadian Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF) is a non-profit organization founded in 1995, to improve the quality of lives of Canadians by supporting allergy, asthma and clinical immunology research.
Asthma is the third-most common chronic disease in Canada, affecting approximately three million Canadians. It is the most common chronic disease among children and the leading cause of children’s emergency department visits and hospitalizations.
Recent Canadian research indicates that 50% of Canadians are directly or indirectly affected by food allergies. For the 7.5% of the population living with one or more food allergies, the only sure way to protect themselves is avoidance. Due in part to the work of Canadian researchers, new and emerging therapies have given hope to those affected that one day, they will no longer have to live in fear, and may even be able to safely consume the foods that were previously the source of their allergies or anaphylaxis.
We owe it to our fellow Canadians to ensure that asthma and allergy research in Canada remains at the forefront of discovery and innovation.
In order for Canadian researchers to continue their important research on asthma and allergy prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure, additional funding is required.
Each year, CAAIF awards grants, and fellowships to leading Canadian researchers pursuing asthma, food allergy and related immune-related disease research with potential to improve the health of Canadians. Thanks to the generosity of CAAIF supporters, over five million additional dollars has been invested in Canadian asthma, allergy, and immunology research.
1. Compassion: We fund research to improve the lives of Canadians.
2. Patient-oriented: We support research that is focused on the needs of patients.
3. Excellence: We promote innovation by supporting excellence in research.
4. Capacity Building: We facilitate increased capacity and expertise in research.
4. Integrity: We will raise and distribute funds in accordance with the highest ethical standards.